15.7.2 New Orders
Vendors get a new order, first need to create a pricing under “Vendor - Pricing Management” and the
created pricing needs to be approved by admin then only admin can assign a vendor for the orders. Till
that vendor won't be listed under “Admin -> Orders Management -> New Orders”.
As well as based on Service type, Service professionals are required : Ex : Cleaning service - customer
chosen 2 professionals then that particular should have 2 staff then only vendor name will be present
under Assign Vendor else vendor name won't be listed.
Once admin assigned vendors, then that order is said to be a New Order and it reflects in the vendor
dashboard -> New order. For each new order assigned, the vendor will receive a notification.
Here vendors can search orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can sort the
newest and oldest orders.
NOTE: Admin allowed to create a Counter offer which was submitted by the Vendor. After being
modified by the admin then that needs to be accepted/rejected by the Vendor.
15.7.3 Assigned Orders
Admin once assigned a vendor, the vendor should need to assign the staff for the service. Now that
particular staff either should accept | reject. If staff accepted then it said to be “Assigned Orders” and in
the vendor dashboard count increased by 1.
By clicking on “Eye Icon” the vendor can see the order details and inside assigned orders “Track” option
will be there. Here vendors can search orders based on “Service wise” and “date wise”. Also vendors can
sort the newest and oldest orders. Track Order
There are 8 steps of tracking order for Vendor. So vendors can easily know what is the current
status of the order and status of Service Staff.
● Once service staff / driver accepted the order then 1st step tick mark enabled.
● Once they click on “View Customer Location” option then the driver / staff can know
about the location details and start to go to the customer location. Before 3 hours from
the appointment start time, staff are allowed to navigate to customer locations.
● Once reached customer location driver / service staff should need to hit on “Reached
location” then this tick mark gets enabled.